
How To Remove Bottom Bracket Without Tool

Discover out all yous demand to know to fix or maintain your bottom bracket proper here, in one seat .
We cover :

  • what tools yous need and
  • how to use them.

What is a bottom Bracket Tool ?
How Do I Know What Bottom Subclass I Have ?
The Tools and How to Use Them
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How Do You lot Remove a Bottom Subclass Without a tool ?
Why Does My Bike Click When I Pedal ?
How many Miles Does a Bottom Bracket final ?


A cock you lot use to remove a lesser bracket from, and/or install into, a bicycle ' s bottom subclass shell .
And/or is an important differentiation because bottom subclass tools normally do i or the other when information technology comes to press-fit bottom brackets, for example .
Low-end, mass-market through to mid-end bikes use threaded bottom brackets which install into thread bed bracket shells .
There is a broad array of tools to choose from ascribable to the diverseness of thread bed brackets, complicated far by the versatile solutions that tool designers have come upwardly with to fit each BB contour .
Mid- to high-end cycle brands chiefly use press-fit botttom brackets for which tool-designers have produced a wider multifariousness show of solutions, some which y'all should wholly avoid using—details below
First upwards, though, if you want to know which tool y'all ' ll need for your bicycle, you ' ll need to know what type of bottom bracket is on your bicycle .

HOW Practice I KNOW WHAT Lesser Bracket I Take?

You need to know your technology and terminology in sexual intercourse to the four identify lesser subclass types : Cup and Cone, Cartridge, External, and Press Fit .
Yous are then able to make an inform determination about which tool is most allow .
A pivotal technical rationale to sympathize is the ball bearing mediation of the the migrate of surfaces in relative to each other .
Each BB pattern has a unlike approach path to the way in which that mediation is managed ; each blueprint requires a specific instrument, far complicated through cock companies creating brand-specific production solutions .

Loving cup and Cone

Cup and cone carriage assemblages are the original carriage engineering, and come in corresponding configurations .
Loose musket ball bearings seat in an outward facing concave surface, the cup, which functions equally a hold race—bearings motility beyond the glaze of the race ; the cup is fixed to the bike frame .
The cone, an inwards facing curved surface, holds the bearings in put, and rotates with the methamphetamine .

Bearing Ring Bearing Or the bearings baby-sit in a cage. The brawl bearings, held in the cage rotate confronting outward-facing cups. The cone applies coerce to the raise of the cage— lock-ring holds all components in identify
In another, very common design, the cone forms grapheme of the spindle .

The loving cup, containing the lax testis bearings, screws into the bottom subclass shell threads. When amply inserted, the bearings are snug confronting the cone .
The video starts at the sharpen where the loving cup is removed, giving y'all a adept theme of how this works .

Cartridge—The Sealed Bearing advantage

A disadvantage with cup and cone setup is the betrayal bearings. They are not outdoors to the bespeak where you can run into or touch them. still the minor gaps betwixt cup and cone means h2o and soil tin can enter in between loving cup, cone and bearings—despite a generous awarding of grease—accelerating habiliment .

Sealed Bearings

Sealed bearings, the most common hold engineering on mod mid- to high-end bikes, reduce this trouble .
sealed bearings with seals removed ball bearings are loosely contained in a servant, or batting muzzle, fitted between a precisely machined inner and out slipstream. A obliterable seal sits over the top of the bearings, a divide inside the border of each slipstream .
The mastermind trick to pull off here is ensuring you rest the imperativeness of the outer race against the bearings with the pressure level of the out subspecies on the opposite english .
excessive coerce on either gradient restricts rotation. If you don ' t take plenty military unit of measurement, though, you ' ll have excessively much play, causing excessive wear and even the failure of the unharmed unit of measurement—one or both races will slip away from the bearings .

Cartridge Body

The mag design invention ( revolution ? ) was to press sealed bearings into a receptacle nigh the like width as the BB boom, with the spindle fixed through the heart .
taking out square taper bottom bracket from BB shell alternatively of cups screwed into a weave bed subclass shell, or pressed into a threadless shell, the cartridge consistency, threaded at both ends, screws into the trounce ' south drive side ; a lockring sleep together into the not-drive side .
If yous ' re using a BSA standard, y'all ' ll be able to immediately replace your honest-to-god cup and cone frame-upward with a cartridge bottom bracket in well-nigh cases.
I socket and ( long-handled ) wrench is what you need here .

external Lesser Brackets

Seating BB30 Bearing Cup in the bb shell seal bearings run amend than a cup/cone/bearings setup, and are more durable. withal the bearings themselves are smaller than the larger cup/cone bearings and are besides confined into a more compact quad .
An external bottomland bracket relocates bearings outside of the BB carapace. Bearings can be large, increasing lastingness, ane cistron behind the development of external BB designs.
Add this benefit to the existing advantages of plastered bearings ( plus redesigned lighter, stiffer grouch ) the external bottom subclass is hard to vanquish .
The tool ? A consecrated socket or open ended/ring wrench .

Press Fit Bottom Brackets

The second coming of BB30 brought the sealed begetting rear inside the BB shell : you lot printing the charge directly into the shell .
Inserting Pf30 Bottom Bracket into non-drive side shell PF30 profoundly improved on BB30 past increasing the BB vanquish size to 46mm, and so relocating sealed bearings into cups .
41mm press fit bottom bracket and converter cups Press friction match designs with a 41mm dwelling bore in society to fit a standard 24mm integrated spindle are also available. The lesser subclass pictured can be installed direct into a 41mm BB shell or 46mm via the adapters which are pressed in first .
Given the range of press-fit bottom subclass designs, selecting the allow bottom bracket tool is most circuitous in this latest ( concluding ) chapter in the bottom bracket ' sulfur development. We ' ll comprehend the issue in detail soon .


Each type of BB has a specific animate being to fit, often respective, which vary by mark. ( basic tools for building a bike covered here ) .
If you ' ve got any bicycle tools at all, specially a lesser bracket tool, it ' ll credibly exist a Park Tool. The boys in gloomy have a cock for well-nigh situations you ' ll run into, although you lot pay a premium price for the make name .

Loving cup and Cone Bottom Subclass Tools & BB Removal

Whether bearings are contained in cups against which you tighten the cone, or housed in an external cup which screws in, belongings bearings confronting an internal cone, a screwdriver and hammer may exist the only tools you need .
The key taxation is loosening the lock resound. Whilst useful a dedicate lock ring wrench is not necessary, either for removal or initiation .
screwdriver as locking removal tool A screwdriver coupled with a few light taps from a mallet is adequate to loosen the lockring. in one case removed, the whole gathering comes apart. ( Full history here ) .

For a setup like this, you demand a pin wrench to get a bag on the cup and twist it around .
Embedded from Some lockrings crave box wrenches. With the pins on the opposition stop, you ' re also able to remove the loving cup .
Cups with parallel edges require an open-ended twist, which can also exist used in stead of a box wrench. A box wrench, though, completely encloses the en which, forth with the extra leverage from the longer care for is easier to manipulate .

Cartridge BB Tools & BB Removal

square taper bottom bracket isis tool Cartridge removal and initiation requires good the ane socket joyride. This Wheel Mitt socket ' s splines don ' deoxythymidine monophosphate announced to provide much surface surface area to engage with a cartridge BB ' second splines .
Bb Isis Octalink Tool Pin however, the bobby pivot is more than enough. Plus the stabilizing central pivot, which inserts into the spindle, reduces the prospect that the socket volition on the spur of the moment slip free—the bowling pin catches on the spindle .
Bb Isis Octalink Tool Icetool A common socket design like this one from Ice Tool with the long splines likewise does the job, although it is a little more fluid than the early on. Both are available on Amazon .
The crafty part is obtaining enough leverage, since you lot may need more than l Nm of torsion military unit to intermission a refractory cartridge free from the penetrate bracket shell threads .
8mm Wrench Half Inch Drive fitted to it This 8 cavalcade inch twist is enough providing the initial initiation torsion was inside tolerance ( 35-50 Nm…although 45 Nm is quite enough ) .
A long-handled twist makes the chore a set easier. In nearly cases, removal is incommunicable where the cartridge was installed without reference to correct torsion and will have been over-tightened with extreme prejudice .

External BB Tools & BB Removal

Shimano and SRAM ' due south external bottom bracket dimensions differ, and then a make-specific tool is required for each .
The bones design is akin for both though—notches which fit indents on the bearing cup ' 2d surface—and thus then is the technique for using them correctly. available invention choices include sockets, open ended wrenches, or circular wrenches .
correct tool technique centers on limiting damage to each cup ' s external surfaces. The admixture they ' re made out of is much softer than cock steel, which hands disfigures the airfoil .
Without taking worry, you lot ' ll round off the edges of the indents, leaving outstanding scars. Applying masking tape or electric record ( nearly excessively thick ) protects the cups.

long handled shimano external bb tool The longer the encompass, the better—you ' ll necessitate leverage to break the BB loving cup gratuitous of the bottom subclass threads .
The handles of the two open-ended wrenches above are excessively curt, with the brusque of the two representing an extremely hard way to loosen a shut bottom bracket .

Printing Fit BB Tools & BB Removal

Press fit bottom brackets range across a number of standards with tool brands offering a variety prove of BB facility and removal solutions .
The chief technical leave is to business relationship for bottom subclass shell size, and whether the grouch you ' ll install is 24mm, 30mm or 28.99 ( we encompass SRAM DUB in detail in the adjacent department ) .
Pressing the bear cup into topographic bespeak is one topic ; removing them is some other. The best solution is a joyride kit enabling both installation and removal .

41mm ID 24mm Spindle

Installation—Method one

press fit bb installation tool A blank tool fabricated from a couple of disk .
Position each weight-lift match loving cup in the BB shell.
Slot each phonograph record within of each BB cup, slide the bolt through, then tighten the crackpot.
The deejay press each english in simultaneously .
The convenience of pressing both in at once is counterbalanced by the major disadvantage with this method —the trend of the cups to move off-centre .
Yous must watch each side very carefully because when one cup begins to become sideways, you must brand corrections to forestall it jamming in the BB shell. Re-centering entails removing the musical instrument then tapping the cup with a arctic mallet to straighten it .
In some circumstances, you ' ll take to remove the cup and start over .

Installation—Method 2

Bb92 Tool Piece 24mm The BB2430 instrument set enables immediate and easy bearing loving cup facility, one cup at a time. You mount the phonograph record ( indicated ) onto the long bolt ( penetrate of double ).
Disc and abscond slot through the bottom bracket .
Bbshell Interface Piece so attach the retaining cup ( named for its BB cup removal function ) which, when close confronting the reverse slope of the BB smash, holds the bottom bracket you are installing squarely in the beat out .
Any BB movement off-center is mechanically corrected .
Bb92 Press Fit Bottom Bracket A few turns of the bolt with the issue Allen wrench installs the charge cup in less than a minute .
here ' s a more detail coverage of the instrument in action in relation to BB86/92 installation and removal .

Removal—Method 1

Touch removal is a usually recommend method acting for retrieving bearing cups from the BB shell .
Bottom Bracket Impact Removal Tool You lot insert the narrow end into one side, then out the other.
The blades abridge to the distributor point of arriving inside the have a bun in the oven loving cup.
They expand into the infinite behind the digest cup.
Tapping on the dull goal with a hammer forces the bearing cup out of the shell, sending it bouncing onto the flooring if you don ' t have care .
press fit bb removal tool impact method A more than covenant solution. But the estimate is the same. removal by impact .
Avoid touch on removal solutions .
Where behave cups are firm seated in their shells, information technology ' sulfur as well easy to harm the loving cup since you lot in truth take to put a bunch of coerce into the blows .

Removal—Method 2

Back to Starting time Component ' s BB2430 tool determine .
rather than fustigate the conduct cup out of the penetrate bracket shell, gentle, systematically practical issue from within ( thus fugitive bursts of free energy from hammer blows ) presses the begetting cup out into a retain cup .
Bb92 Tool Removal Hitch You reach this past fitting a rip steel-hitch over the stop of a commuter within the lesser bracket .
Hitch Installed The steel-hitch ' s flange catches on the bearing cup ' s within edge .
Bolt Driver Cup The bolt slides through the driver ; y'all insert the Allen twist into the run off from this side .
Bearing Removal Cup The retaining cup holds firm against the BB shell ; inside, the bearing loving cup presses out and into the retain cup .
Bb92 Cup Removed As the begetting cup clears the BB beat, the driver slides through.
then just remove the cup, commuter, and steel-hitch, quick to become dorsum into the beat to remove the other side .
The whole process takes a few minutes at most .

46mm PF30 30mm Spindle

Permit ' s only chute to the all-time method around for install and absent, better considering you can install the bearing cups promptly without any worries of a cup turning sideways during the install .
Installing Pf30 Bottom Bracket Tool for drive side cup installation The method acting is the lapp as higher up ; the toolset is based on the like principles but uses pieces tailored to fit a 46mm bed bracket shell .
shrink in the begetting cup, one at a fourth dimension .
bolt in driver ready to press out the pf30 bottom bracket Press them out in the same way .
Check out the post on this bailiwick for more details .


SRAM ' randomness recently introduced means of using an about 30mm ( 28.99mm ) spindle crank on any frame no thing the BB shell shape immediately introduced the trouble of how to quickly and hands install the correct BB, an particularly important issue for wheel shops .

beginning Components engineers set to work designing the but instrument set up making install or removing any SRAM DUB BB a cinch.
Sram Dub Bottom Bracket Alternatives The tool set up along with the right penetrate bracket ( each with a 28.99 internal diameter ) is a bare-faced SRAM DUB solution .

WHY DOES MY BIKE CLICK WHEN I PEDAL? ( Don ' triiodothyronine Immediately Blame Your Bottom Bracket in early words )

Afterwards many trouble-free miles y'all begin to hear a rhythmical click…click….click, or even, darnint !, a clickclickclickclickclickclick, a machine-gunned staccato drilling correct into your genius .
Yous take careful note of each crackpot rotation, looking down and not at the road ahead, trying to make up one's mind at what signal in the crank cycle the click occurs .
The first component we unremarkably charge of this try to drive u.s.a. harebrained is the bed bracket, which makes perfect sense. proper ?
No, probably non .
Start with your pedals. Were the threads lubed on facility to the crank ? Remove them and check .
particularly significant : were they installed with pedal washers ? Installing washers where none were installed may well contrary your skid into insanity .
A crevice in an admixture frame ways metallic element surfaces can rub, causing reproducible creak. Bank check your frame carefully .


Information technology ' s potential although unnecessarily difficult, plus y'all risk irreparable damage to your motorbike .
All of the BB tools mentioned in this mail are bachelor from your local motorcycle patronize, or from Amazon .
Tools are flippant. however, learning to wield them with skill takes many years .
Go your local motorcycle workshop to handle penetrate subclass problems for y'all. Your mechanic tin utilize the right joyride to apace fix any problem .


It depends on the type of bottom subclass .
A cup & cone BB setup requires unconstipated make clean, grease replacement, and finally ball bearing refilling. In that sense, your BB can survive forever .
Cartridge buttocks brackets volition need replacing sooner than late if, say, you immerse the lesser bracket in cloudy urine. otherwise, you ' ra looking at years of trouble-costless cycle .
external bottom brackets likewise go along on going, assuming you lot avert unconstipated exposure to dingy trunk of h2o. Your mechanic can replace sealed bearings in many of the bottom known brands compared to the market leaders ( Shimano explicitly warn their customers " Do not Dissemble " on their external Bbs ) .
A mechanic tin can supercede seal bearings in a Press Fit model, although that depends on the make—some are easier than others .

You need to use the correct bottomland bracket joyride on a bottom bracket .
facility, removal, and allowance tin be done apace and much more well with the right engineering science—and technique of course .
If the information hera helped you lot in any manner, contribution it with person who yous call up might benefit .


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